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27 septiembre 2024
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, abre la ventana número 1
(Ultima ventana 25 diciembre 2016)
UCL IOE Special Collections Advent Calendar 2016
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!

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¡Vamos! a que esperas?!!
Have a Peaceful Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year!
[Empezar de nuevo]
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      [ Ir a la ventana 25]

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Ventana nº 22

22 1930s Teacher Training Colleges Prospectuses

The 1930s Teacher Training Colleges Prospectuses Collection represents a variety of Teacher Training Colleges in the UK. The collection was housed with the British and Foreign School Society Collection at Brunel University Archives and came to the Institute as a donation in 2014.

In July 1929 the Labour Government announced the school leaving age would rise from 14 to 15 on 1 April 1931. This would obviously necessitate more teachers and the Board of Education asked the training colleges to expand their numbers in 1929 and 1930 which they did. However cuts then loomed again and the school leaving age rise was postponed. Attempted closures of training colleges failed following widespread protest, but in 1937 when the issue of closures was raised again three women’s colleges were closed.

A map of these colleges is here: http://bit.ly/1NeqPdd

Further information on the collection is at http://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/prospectuses

Ventanas del Advientos

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