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26 Juin 2024
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, ouvrez la fenĂȘtre numĂ©ro 1
(DerniĂšre fenĂȘtre le 25 DĂ©cembre 2016)
UCL IOE Special Collections Advent Calendar 2016
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Aller! qu’attendez-vous?
Have a Peaceful Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year!
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      [ Aller Ă  la fenĂȘtre 25]

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FenĂȘtre 7

7 Grantham Number Ones

The Grantham Number Ones consists of the first issues of a variety of journals on all subjects, first published in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

It was put together by Major William Wilson Grantham (1866-1942), at one time Deputy Chairman of the London County Council, and deposited at County Hall in 1933; it then passed to the Institute of Education, along with other materials from the Inner London Education Authority, in 1990.

The Grantham Number Ones provide a rich source of information on cultural, social, political and economic histories of the late 19th and early 20th century.

The formats of the journals vary from broadsheet to octavo, and the collection includes newspapers, professional and special interest periodicals, and publications produced for children.

For more information, see: http://libguides.ioe.ac.uk/no1s where you can download the full alphabetical list of all the magazines in this collection.


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