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20 septiembre 2024
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, abre la ventana número 1
(Ultima ventana 24 diciembre 2021)
Happy Advent from Midsomer Tours
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!
Ey! todavia no!

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¡Vamos! a que esperas?!!
Contact us on 07827 715353 or graham@tours2order.com
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Ventana nº 13

13 HURLEY, Berkshire

“The Wolf Hunter of Little Worthy" (episode 127, series 22) was filmed in Hurley in October 2020. The residents of the village are very used to seeing the Bentley production team in the village as many episodes have been filmed there, starring both Barnabys at different times.

This time the village was re-incarnated as the Midsomer village of Little Worthy with action taking place in the 14th century barn, the village hairdressers and 14th century The Old Bell Inn that was transformed into "The Lamb" pub. This picture was taken when the film crew was in residence.

The story? A struggling local photographer creates the myth of the Wolf Hunter. It becomes a cult and visitors flock to the village. But suddenly a murder blurs the lines between myth and reality.

One of our trio became an extra for one of the Hurley episodes, “The Lions of Causton” (episode 120, series 20) although those scenes were filmed in a pub 20 miles away! See if you can spot her.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Hurley include:
Blue Herrings, Midsomer Life, The Ghost of Causton Abbey, They Seek him Here, A Rare Bird, Let us Prey.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.
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