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20 Septembre 2024
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, ouvrez la fenĂȘtre numĂ©ro 1
(DerniĂšre fenĂȘtre le 24 DĂ©cembre 2021)
Happy Advent from Midsomer Tours
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Aller! qu’attendez-vous?
Contact us on 07827 715353 or graham@tours2order.com
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      [ Aller Ă  la fenĂȘtre 24]

On sera heureux d accepter votre support au projet Advientos. Merci!

FenĂȘtre 17

17 WARBOROUGH, Oxfordshire

The Six Bells features in scenes from “Second Sight” (episode 40, series 8). In this episode, The Six Bells becomes “The Luck in the World”, a pub run by Jimmy Kirby who comes from a family who can see into the future. Max Ransome is a rich boy and mad scientist, who builds a giant wire electric cage in his cellar to make himself achieve second sight; but he, his brother and his father soon meet the wrath of the murderer. Meanwhile “Preaching Pete” is trying to fight paganism and Little Mal Kirby is petrified of going to church! And why does the baby keep crying unexpectedly?

If you like the location, The Six Bells is probably the most filmed pub in Midsomer. And the picturesque cottages around the green also feature in many episodes. There is hardly an ugly building amongst them.

Other episodes with scenes filmed in Warborough include:
Bad Tidings, Left for Dead, Market for Murder, Sins of Commission, The Great and the Good, The House in the Woods, Sleeper under the Hill.

The Blue Badge Guides from Midsomer Tours (Bobbie, Debs and Graham) are all fans of the series. We all live in the area and know the locations and episodes well. We can take you on coach and walking tours of many Midsomer Murders filming locations.

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