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27 Septembre 2024
Warning: Undefined array key "ultima_visita_8205-6902" in /home1/valviasc/public_html/advientos/destinatarios-publico.php on line 291

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, ouvrez la fenĂȘtre numĂ©ro 1
(DerniĂšre fenĂȘtre le 20 DĂ©cembre 2012)
Bulldog Activity Countdown to Winter Break!
HĂ©! pas encore!
HĂ©! pas encore!
HĂ©! pas encore!
HĂ©! pas encore!
HĂ©! pas encore!
HĂ©! pas encore!
HĂ©! pas encore!
HĂ©! pas encore!
HĂ©! pas encore!
HĂ©! pas encore!
HĂ©! pas encore!
HĂ©! pas encore!
HĂ©! pas encore!
HĂ©! pas encore!
HĂ©! pas encore!
HĂ©! pas encore!
HĂ©! pas encore!
HĂ©! pas encore!
HĂ©! pas encore!

Warning: Undefined array key "ultima_visita_8205-6902" in /home1/valviasc/public_html/advientos/functions-ventanas.php on line 101
Aller! qu’attendez-vous?
Free of Bull, Full of Bulldog!
Warning: Undefined array key "ultima_visita_8205-6902" in /home1/valviasc/public_html/advientos/destinatarios-publico.php on line 375
      [ Aller Ă  la fenĂȘtre 20]

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FenĂȘtre 20

20 Last Day of School Today!

December 20th is finally here the day that we have all been anticipating for so long and the countdown is over with because after todays finals the bulldogs are on Winter Break! Have a wonderful Winter Break and hope this countdown made waiting for break a little bit easier and got you into the holiday spirit! Enjoy your time off and see you all back on January 8th!

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"RB Winter Countdown!"
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