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13 Mai 2024, Ende
(letztes Türchen 22 November 2008)
Advent Calendar
Türchen 11
At "preview" calendar we can check how people will see our calendar.

Malmö (Suecia)Türchen 15
We look forward that those who make their Online Advent Calendar as those who recieve them can enjoy this traditional experience. 

Orust (Sweden)Türchen 2
An Advent calendar is composed of a certain number of windows.
Each window like this one contains a picture and message. 
Stockholm (Sweden)Türchen 10
At anytime, at "modify card" we can change the image of the calendar.

We can "edit windows" too.

Orust (Suecia)Türchen 16
Farö (Suecia)
Türchen 6
With your name, surname, email address, and an username and password for identifying, you can register at Advientos.

Gullohohem (Suecia) Türchen 8
At "create new calendar" you can select the number of windows, the opening mode and the deadline date, and write a title and signature for the calendar.
You can choose the photograph of the card and the background color wich will be used to fill those parts that the image can not cover. 

Farö (Sweden)Türchen 13
At "send calendar" you can also deny the access to someone deleting him from the list.
Or if someone has lost his message, you can record him again and he will receive a new message. 

Malmo (Sweden)Türchen 20
Malmö (Suecia)Türchen 4
We can only see those online Advent calendars that someone has given us access. We notice it with a message from Advientos.
We enter into the calendar as well from the link in the message from Advientos, as from the homepage writing our email address which the message came and the code we found there.
Gothenburg (Sweden)
Türchen 7
You can manage all your calendars from your main menu.

Gullohohem (Sweden)Türchen 18
Mälmo (Suecia)Türchen 5
If you want to create an Advent calendar online, you must open an account from the home page if you have not signed up yet.
It is free. 

Gullhohem (Sweden)Türchen 12
At "send calendar" we can record the name and email address of the people who we want to provide access to the calendar.
Automatically they will receive an email telling them about your calendar. In this message there is the code and the link from they can enter to you calendar and open the windows in the corresponding dates. 

Orust (Sweden)Türchen 9
At "edit windows" option we can record an image and write a message for each calendar window.
This process can be done in several stages since the information is stored in the database. 

Gullohohem (Sweden)
Türchen 19
Falun (Suecia)Türchen 3
This Advent Calendar can be opened in two ways.

In its traditional way, from the first day until its end, we can open a unique window every day ... Unless we have delayed windows ...  
There is also the way that all windows can be opened the same end day.
Farö (Sweden)Türchen 17
Gotland (Suecia)Türchen 14
At "copy calendar" you can repeat a calendar, keeping the all images and messages from the original windows. You have the option to vary the number of days, the deadline date, opening mode and the card image.

Orust (Sweden)Türchen 1

Here is an example of an online Advent calendar.
As we explain you how it works we show you a little bit of Sweden.  

Stockholm (Sweden)

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> Team
[Nochmal von vorne]       [ Gehe zum Türchen 20]

Wir freuen uns, wenn ihr das Advientos Projekt unterstützen würdet.

Türchen 20

20 Malmö (Suecia)

Türchen 1

Here is an example of an online Advent calendar.

As we explain you how it works we show you a little bit of Sweden.

Stockholm (Sweden)

Türchen 2
An Advent calendar is composed of a certain number of windows.

Each window like this one contains a picture and message.

Stockholm (Sweden)
Türchen 3
This Advent Calendar can be opened in two ways.

In its traditional way, from the first day until its end, we can open a unique window every day ... Unless we have delayed windows ...
There is also the way that all windows can be opened the same end day.

Farö (Sweden)
Türchen 4
We can only see those online Advent calendars that someone has given us access. We notice it with a message from Advientos.

We enter into the calendar as well from the link in the message from Advientos, as from the homepage writing our email address which the message came and the code we found there.

Gothenburg (Sweden)
Türchen 5
If you want to create an Advent calendar online, you must open an account from the home page if you have not signed up yet.

It is free.

Gullhohem (Sweden)
Türchen 6
With your name, surname, email address, and an username and password for identifying, you can register at Advientos.

Gullohohem (Suecia)
Türchen 7
You can manage all your calendars from your main menu.

Gullohohem (Sweden)
Türchen 8
At "create new calendar" you can select the number of windows, the opening mode and the deadline date, and write a title and signature for the calendar.

You can choose the photograph of the card and the background color wich will be used to fill those parts that the image can not cover.

Farö (Sweden)
Türchen 9
At "edit windows" option we can record an image and write a message for each calendar window.

This process can be done in several stages since the information is stored in the database.

Gullohohem (Sweden)
Türchen 10
At anytime, at "modify card" we can change the image of the calendar.

We can "edit windows" too.

Orust (Suecia)
Türchen 11
At "preview" calendar we can check how people will see our calendar.

Malmö (Suecia)
Türchen 12
At "send calendar" we can record the name and email address of the people who we want to provide access to the calendar.

Automatically they will receive an email telling them about your calendar. In this message there is the code and the link from they can enter to you calendar and open the windows in the corresponding dates.

Orust (Sweden)
Türchen 13
At "send calendar" you can also deny the access to someone deleting him from the list.

Or if someone has lost his message, you can record him again and he will receive a new message.

Malmo (Sweden)
Türchen 14
At "copy calendar" you can repeat a calendar, keeping the all images and messages from the original windows. You have the option to vary the number of days, the deadline date, opening mode and the card image.

Orust (Sweden)
Türchen 15
We look forward that those who make their Online Advent Calendar as those who recieve them can enjoy this traditional experience.

Orust (Sweden)
Türchen 16
Farö (Suecia)
Türchen 17
Gotland (Suecia)
Türchen 18
Mälmo (Suecia)
Türchen 19
Falun (Suecia)
Türchen 20
Malmö (Suecia)

Wir freuen uns, wenn ihr das Advientos Projekt unterstützen würdet.

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